Vybrané publikácie
- LEJAVOVÁ, Katarína - ONDIČOVÁ, Katarína - HORVÁTHOVÁ, Ľubica - HEGEDUSOVÁ, Noemi - CUBÍNKOVÁ, Veronika - VARGOVIČ, Peter - MANZ, Georg - FILIPČÍK, Peter - MRAVEC, Boris - NOVÁK, Michal - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard. Stress-Induced Activation of the Sympathoadrenal System is Determined by Genetic Background in Rat Models of Tauopathy. In Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2015, vol.43, p.1157-1161.
- MLYNARČÍK, Patrik - PULZOVÁ, Lucia - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - KOVÁČ, Andrej - DOMINGUEZ, Miguel A. - HREŠKO, Stanislav - BHIDE, Mangesh. Deciphering the interface between a CD40 receptor and borrelial ligand OspA. In Microbiological Research, 2015, vol. 170, p. 51-60.
- BHIDE, Mangesh - NATARJAN, S. - HREŠKO, Stanislav - AGUILAR, C. - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena. Rapid in vitro protein synthesis pipeline: a promising tool for cost-effective protein array design. In Molecular Biosystems, 2014, vol.10, no., p.1236-1245.
- KONTSEKOVÁ, Eva - ŽILKA, Norbert - KOVÁČECH, Branislav - NOVÁK, Petr - NOVÁK, Michal. First-in-man tau vaccine targeting structural determinants essential for pathological tau–tau interaction reduces tau oligomerisation and neurofibrillary degeneration in an Alzheimer's disease model. In Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 2014, vol.6, 44.
- KONTSEKOVÁ, Eva - ŽILKA, Norbert - KOVÁČECH, Branislav - ŠKRABANA, Rostislav - NOVÁK, Michal. Identification of structural determinants on tau protein essential for its pathological function: novel therapeutic target for tau immunotherapy in Alzheimer's disease. In Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 2014, vol.6, 45.
- KOVÁČ, Andrej - SOMÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - ŽILKA, Norbert - NOVÁK, Michal. Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method for determination of panel of neurotransmitters in cerebrospinal fluid from the rat model for tauopathy. In Talanta, 2014, vol. 119, p.284-290.
- MAJEROVÁ, Petra - ŽILKOVÁ, Monika - KÁŽMÉROVÁ, Zuzana - KOVÁČ, Andrej - PAHOLÍKOVÁ, Kristína - KOVÁČECH, Branislav - ŽILKA, Norbert - NOVÁK, Michal. Microglia display modest phagocytic capacity for extracellular tau oligomers. In Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2014, vol.11, 161.
- MRAVEC, Boris - LEJAVOVÁ, Katarína - CUBÍNKOVÁ, Veronika. Locus (coeruleus) minoris resistentiae in pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. In Current Alzheimer Research, 2014, vol. 11, no. 10, p. 992 - 1001.
- PULZOVÁ, Lucia - BHIDE, Mangesh. Outer Surface Proteins of Borrelia: Peerless Immune Evasion Tools. In Current Protein & Peptide Science, 2014, vol. 15, p. 75-88.
- SVETLÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - BARÁTH, Peter - JACKSON, Mary - KORDULÁKOVÁ, Jana - MIKUŠOVÁ, Katarína. Purification and characterization of the acyltransferase involved in biosynthesis of the major mycobacterial cell envelope glycolipid - Monoacylated phosphatidylinositol dimannoside. In Protein Expression and Purification, 2014, vol. 100, p. 33-39.
- MITRO, Alexander. Method of labelling of individual ependymal areas according to periventricular structures of the rat lateral brain ventricles. In Biologia : journal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2014, vol. 69, no. 9, p. 1250-1254.
- MITRO, Alexander - GALLATZ, K. - PALKOVITS, M. - KISS, Alexander. Ependymal cells variations in the central canal of the rat spinal cord filum terminale: an ultrastructural investigation. In Endocrine Regulations, 2013, vol. 47, no. 2, p. 93-99.
- ALONSO, A. - ELAKKAD, Ezzat - GONG, C.X. - LIU, F. - TANAKA, T. - KUDO, T. - TATEBAYASHI, Y. - PEI, J.J. - WANG, J.Z. - KHATOON, S. - FLORY, M. - GHETTI, B. - GOZES, I. - NOVÁK, Michal - NOVÁKOVÁ, Mária - ROBAKIS, N.K. - LEON, M. - IQBAL, Mala. Inge Grundke-Iqbal, Ph.D. (1937–2012): the Discoverer of the Abnormal Hyperphosphorylation of Tau in Alzheimer’s Disease. In Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 2013, vol. 49, no., p. 430-435.
- GYURANECZ, Miklos - HORNOK, Sandor - DAN, Adam - HREŠKO, Stanislav - MAKRAI, Laszlo - MAGYAR, Tibor - BHIDE, Mangesh - ERDELYI, Karoly - HOFMANN-LEHMANN, Regina - GYURANECZ, Miklos. Prevalence of Francisella tularensis and Francisella-Like Endosymbionts in the Tick Population of Hungary and the Genetic Variability of Francisella-Like Agents. In Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 2013, vol.13, no.3, p.160-163.
- GYURANECZ, Miklos - KREIZINGER, Zsuzsa - HORVATH, Gabor - RÓNAI, Zsuzsanna - DAN, Adam - NAGY, Beáta - SZEREDI, Levente - MAKRAI, Laszlo - JANOSI, Szilard - HAJTOS, Istvan - MAGYAR, Tibor - BHIDE, Mangesh - ERDELYI, Karoly - DENES, Bela. Natural IS711 insertion causing omp31 gene inactivation in Brucella ovis. In Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2013, vol.25, no.2, p.234-238.
- JADHAV, Santosh - ŽILKA, Norbert - NOVÁK, Michal. Protein truncation as a common denominator of human neurodegenerative foldopathies. In Molecular Neurobiology, 2013, vol.48, no.3, p.516-532.
- KÁŽMÉROVÁ, Zuzana - ŽILKA, Norbert - ČENTE, Martin - NERADIL, Peter - ŽILKOVÁ, Monika - NOVÁK, Michal. Can we teach old dogs new tricks? Neuroprotective cell therapy in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. In Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2013, vol.37, p.251-272.
- LEVARSKÁ, Lenka - ŽILKA, Norbert - JADHAV, Santosh - NERADIL, Peter - NOVÁK, Michal. Of rodents and men: The mysterious interneuronal pilgrimage of misfolded protein tau in Alzheimer’s disease. In Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2013, vol.37, p.569-577.
- OPATTOVÁ, Alena - FILIPČÍK, Peter - ČENTE, Martin - NOVÁK, Michal. Intracellular degradation of misfolded tau protein induced by geldanamycin is associated with activation of proteasome. In Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2013, vol.33, no.2, p.339-348.
- TANG, Z. - BERECZKI, E. - ZHANG, H. - WANG, S. - LI, C. - JI, X. - BRANCA, R.M. - LEHTIO, J. - GUAN, Z. - FILIPČÍK, Peter - XU, S. - WINBLAD, B. - PEI, J.J. Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTor) Mediates Tau Protein Dyshomeostasis IMPLICATION FOR ALZHEIMER DISEASE. In Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2013, vol. 288, p. 15556-15570.
- FLACHBARTOVÁ, Zuzana - KOVÁČECH, Branislav. Mortalin - a multipotent chaperone regulating cellular processes ranging from viral infection to neurodegeneration. In Acta Virologica : international journal, 2013, vol.57, no.1, p.3-15.
- MAROŠOVÁ, Lenka - NERADIL, Peter - ŽILKA, Norbert. How can viruses influence the neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration in the aged human brain. In Acta Virologica : international journal. - Bratislava : Virologický ústav SAV, 1957-, 2013, vol.57, no.3, p.273-281.
- BHIDE, Mangesh - BHIDE, Katarína - PULZOVÁ, Lucia - MAĎAR, Marián - MLYNARČÍK, Patrik - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - HREŠKO, Stanislav - MUCHA, Rastislav. Variable regions in the sushi domains 6-7 and 19-20 of factor H in animals and human lead to change in the affinity to factor H binding protein of Borrelia. In Journal of Proteomics, 2012, vol.75, no.14, p.4520-4528.
- FILIPČÍK, Peter - ŽILKA, Norbert - BUGOŠ, Ondrej - KUČERÁK, Juraj - KOSOŇ, Peter - NOVÁK, Petr - NOVÁK, Michal. First transgenic rat model developing progressive cortical neurofibrillary tangles. In Neurobiology of Aging, 2012, vol. 33, p.1448-1456.
- FILIPČÍK, Peter - NOVÁK, Petr - MRAVEC, Boris - ONDIČOVÁ, K. - KRAJČIOVÁ, Gabriela - NOVÁK, Michal - KVETŇANSKÝ, Richard. Tau Protein Phosphorylation in Diverse Brain Areas of Normal and CRH Deficient Mice: Up-Regulation by Stress. In Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 2012, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 837-845.
- GYURANECZ, Miklos - DENES, Bela - HORNOK, Sandor - KOVACS, Peter - HORVATH, Gabor - JURKOVICH, Viktor - VARGA, Tamas - HAJTOS, Istvan - SZABO, Reka - MAGYAR, Tibor - VASS, Nora - HOFMANN-LEHMANN, Regina - ERDELYI, Karoly - BHIDE, Mangesh - DAN, Adam. Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in Hungary: Screening of Dairy Cows, Sheep, Commercial Milk Samples, and Ticks. In Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 2012, vol.12, no.8, p.650-653.
- GYURANECZ, Miklos - REICZIGEL, Jeno - KRISZTALOVICS, Katalin - MONSE, Laszlo - KUKEDI-SZABONE, Gabriella - SZILAGYI, Andrasne - SZEPE, Balint - MAKRAI, Laszlo - MAGYAR, Tibor - BHIDE, Mangesh - ERDELYI, Karoly. Factors Influencing Emergence of Tularemia, Hungary, 1984-2010. In Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2012, vol.18, no.8, p.1379-1381.
- KIŠOVÁ-VARGOVÁ, Lucia - ČERŇANSKÁ, Dana - BHIDE, Mangesh. Comparative study of binding of ovine complement factor H with different Borrelia genospecies. In Folia microbiologica, 2012, vol.57, no.2, p.123-128.
- MLYNARČÍK, Patrik - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - MAĎAR, Marián - MUCHA, Rastislav - PULZOVÁ, Lucia - HREŠKO, Stanislav - BHIDE, Mangesh. Development of simple and rapid elution methods for proteins from various affinity beads for their direct MALDI-TOF downstream application. In Journal of Proteomics, 2012, vol.75, no.14, p.4529-4535.
- MUCHA, Rastislav - BHIDE, Mangesh. BoLA-DRB3 exon 2 mutations associated with paratuberculosis in cattle. In Veterinary Journal, 2012, vol.192, no.3, p.517-519.
- ŠKRABANA, Rostislav - CEHLÁR, Ondrej - NOVÁK, Michal. Non-robotic high-throughput setup for manual assembly of nanolitre vapour-diffusion protein crystallization screens. In Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2012, vol.45, no.5, p.1061-1065.
- ŽILKA, Norbert - STOŽICKÁ, Zuzana - ČENTE, Martin - KÁŽMÉROVÁ, Zuzana - KOVÁČECH, Branislav - NOVÁK, Michal. Immunomodulation of Memory-Impairing Protein Tau in Alzheimer's Disease. In Neurodegenerative Diseases, 2012, vol.10, p.242-245.
- ŽILKA, Norbert - KÁŽMÉROVÁ, Zuzana - JADHAV, Santosh - NERADIL, Peter - MAĎARI, Aladár - OBETKOVÁ, Dominika - BUGOŠ, Ondrej - NOVÁK, Michal. Who fans the flames of Alzheimer's disease brains? Misfolded tau on the crossroad of neurodegenerative and inflammatory pathways. In Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2012, vol.9, p.47.
- ŽILKA, Norbert - KOVÁČECH, Branislav - BARÁTH, Peter - KONTSEKOVÁ, Eva - NOVÁK, Michal. The self-perpetuating tau truncation circle. In Biochemical society transactions, 2012, vol.40, no.4, p.681-686.
- CEHLÁR, Ondrej - ŠKRABANA, Rostislav - KOVÁČ, Andrej - KOVÁČECH, Branislav - NOVÁK, Michal. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of tau protein microtubule-binding motifs in complex with Tau5 and DC25 antibody Fab fragments. In Acta Crystallographica Section F : Structural Biology and Crystallization Communication, 2012, vol.68, p.1181-1185.
- ŠKRABANA, Rostislav - CEHLÁR, Ondrej - FLACHBARTOVÁ, Zuzana - KOVÁČ, Andrej - ŠEVČÍK, Jozef - NOVÁK, Michal. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of two peptides from Alzheimer PHF in complex with the MN423 antibody Fab fragment. In Acta Crystallographica Section F : Structural Biology and Crystallization Communication, 2012, vol. 68, p. 1186-1190.
- BARR, Christine - RIOLACCI-DHOYEN, Nathalie - GALBRAITH, Maggie - LEPERRE-DESPLANQUES, Armelle - NOVÁK, Michal - ŠKRABANA, Rostislav - JEŽOVIČOVÁ, Martina. Sharing knowledge to advance healthcare policies in Europe for people living with dementia and their carers: the ALCOVE project. In Archives of Public Heath, 2012, vol.70, p.21.
- BARBIERIKOVÁ, Zuzana - BELLA, Maroš - KUČERÁK, Juraj - MILATA, Viktor - JANTOVÁ, Soňa - DVORANOVÁ, Dana - VESELÁ, Mária - STAŠKO, Andrej - BREZOVÁ, Vlasta. Photoinduced Superoxide Radical Anion and Singlet Oxygen Generation in the Presence of Novel Selenadiazoloquinolones (An EPR Study). In Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2011, vol. 87, no. 1, p.32-44.
- BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - MLYNARČÍK, Patrik - BHIDE, Mangesh. An insight into the ligand-receptor interactions involved in the translocation of pathogens across blood-brain barrier. In FEMS Immunology and medical microbiology, 2011, vol. 63, no.3, pp.297-318.
- FLOREK, Patrik - LEVDIKOV, V. - BLAGOVA, E. - LEBEDEV, A.A. - ŠKRABANA, Rostislav - REŠETÁROVÁ, Stanislava - PAVELČÍKOVÁ, Pamela - BARÁK, Imrich - WILKINSON, A.J. The structure and interactions of SpoIISA and SpoIISB, a toxin-antitoxin system in bacillus subtilis. In Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011, vol. 286, p. 6808–6819.
- KATRLÍK, Jaroslav - ŠKRABANA, Rostislav - MISLOVIČOVÁ, Danica - GEMEINER, Peter. Binding of D-mannose-containing glycoproteins to D-mannose-specific lectins studied by surface plasmon resonance. In Colloids and Surfaces A : Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2011, vol. 382, p. 198-202.
- KIŠOVÁ-VARGOVÁ, Lucia - MUCHA, Rastislav - ČERŇANSKÁ, Dana - BHIDE, Mangesh. Host-dependent differential expression of factor H binding proteins, their affinity to factor H and complement evasion by Lyme and relapsing fever borreliae. In Veterinary Microbiology, 2011, vol.148, no. 2-4, p. 341-347.
- KOVÁČ, Andrej - ŽILKA, Norbert - KÁŽMÉROVÁ, Zuzana - ČENTE, Martin - ŽILKOVÁ, Monika - NOVÁK, Michal. Misfolded Truncated Protein tau Induces Innate Immune Response via MAPK Pathway. In Journal of Immunology, 2011, vol.187, no. 5, p.2732-2739.
- KOVÁČ, Andrej - ERICKSON, Michelle A. - BANKS, William A. Brain microvascular pericytes are immunoactive in culture: cytokine, chemokine, nitric oxide, and LRP-1 expression in response to lipopolysaccharide. In Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2011, vol. 8, p. 139.
- KRŠKOVÁ, Katarína - FILIPČÍK, Peter - ŽILKA, Norbert - OLSZANECKI, R. - KORBUT, R. - GAJDOŠECHOVÁ, Lucia - ZÓRAD, Štefan. Angiotensinogen and angiotensin-convertinge enzyme mrna decrease and at1 receptor mrna and protein increase in epididymal fat tissue accompany age-induced elevation of adiposity and reductions in expression of glut4 and peroxisome proliferaior-activated receptor (ppary). In Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology : formerly Acta Physiologica Polonica, 2011, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 403-410.
- MADER, Simone - GRENDLER, Viktoria - SCHANDA, Kathrin - ROSTASY, Kevin - DUJMOVIC, Irena - PFALLER, Kristian - LUTTEROTTI, Andreas - JARIUS, Sven - DI PAULI, Franziska - KUENZ, Bettina - EHLING, Rainer - HEGEN, Harald - DEISENHAMMER, Florian - ABOUL-ENEIN, Fahmy - STORCH, Maria K. - KOSOŇ, Peter - DRULOVIC, Jelena - KRISTOFERITSCH, Wolfgang - BERGER, Thomas - REINDL, Markus. Complement activating antibodies to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in neuromyelitis optica and related disorders. In Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2011, vol. 8, p.184.
- MIKULA, Ivan jr. - MIKULA, Ivan. Characterization of ovine Toll-like receptor 9 protein coding region, comparative analysis, detection of mutations and maedi visna infection. In Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 2011, vol.35, p. 182-192.
- NOVÁK, Petr - PRČINA, Michal - KONTSEKOVÁ, Eva. Tauons and Prions: Infamous Cousins? In Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2011, vol.26, no.3, p.413-430.
- PRČINA, Michal - KONTSEKOVÁ, Eva. Has prion protein important physiological function? In Medical Hypotheses, 2011, vol.76, no. 4, p.567-569.
- REITEROVÁ, Katarína - ŠPILOVSKÁ, Silvia - ČOBÁDIOVÁ, Andrea - MUCHA, Rastislav. First in vitro isolation of Neospora caninum fromk a naturally infected adult dairy cow in Slovakia. In Acta Parasitologica, 2011, vol. 56, no. 2, p. 111-115.
- ŽILKA, Norbert - ŽILKOVÁ, Monika - KÁŽMÉROVÁ, Zuzana - ŠARIŠSKÝ, Marek - CIGÁNKOVÁ, V. - NOVÁK, Michal. Mesenchymal stem cells rescue the Alzheimer's disease cell model from cell death induced by misfolded truncated tau. In Neuroscience, 2011, vol.193, p.330-337.
- ŽILKOVÁ, Monika - ŽILKA, Norbert - KOVÁČ, Andrej - KOVÁČECH, Branislav - ŠKRABANA, Rostislav - ŠKRABANOVÁ, Michaela - NOVÁK, Michal. Hyperphosphorylated truncated protein tau induces caspase-3 independent apoptosis-like pathway in the Alzheimer's Disease cellular model. In Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2011, vol.23, no. 1, p.161-173.
- PULZOVÁ, Lucia - KOVÁČ, Andrej - MUCHA, Rastislav - MLYNARČÍK, Patrik - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - MAĎAR, Marián - NOVÁK, Michal - BHIDE, Mangesh. OspA-CD40 dyad: ligand-receptor interaction in the translocation of neuroinvasive Borrelia across the blood-brain barrier. In Scientific Reports, 2011, vol.1, p.86.
- FERENČÍK, Miroslav - ROVENSKÝ, Jozef - HULÍN, Ivan - ŠTVRTINOVÁ, V. Zápal - základný mechanizmus vrodenej imunity. In Rheumatologia : Vol. 25, no. 4 (2011), s. 173-180.
- KOVÁČECH, Branislav - NOVÁK, Michal. Tau Truncation is a Productive Posttranslational Modification of Neurofibrillary Degeneration in Alzheimer's Disease. In Current Alzheimer Research. - Bentham Science Publishers, 2010, vol. 7, p. 708-716.
- KOVÁČECH, Branislav - ŠKRABANA, Rostislav - NOVÁK, Michal. Transition of Tau Protein from Disordered to Misordered in Alzheimer's Disease. In Neurodegenerative Diseases, 2010, vol.7, p. 24-27
- MIKULA, Ivan - BHIDE, Mangesh - PASTOREKOVÁ, Silvia - MIKULA, Ivan. Characterization of ovine TLR7 and TLR8 protein coding regions, detection of mutations and Maedi Visna virus infection. In Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 2010, vol. 138, no. 1-2, p. 51-59.
- SHAWKATOVÁ, Ivana - JAVOR, Juraj - PÁRNICKÁ, Zuzana - VRAŽDA, L. - NOVÁK, Michal - BUC, M. no association between cytokine gene polymorphosm and risk of Alzheimers disease in Slovaks. In Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis, 2010, vol. 70, p. 303-307.
- STOŽICKÁ, Zuzana - ŽILKA, Norbert - NOVÁK, Petr - KOVÁČECH, Branislav - BUGOŠ, Ondrej - NOVÁK, Michal. Genetic background modifies neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation driven by misfolded human tau protein in rat model of tauopathy: implication for immunomodulatory approach to Alzheimer's disease. In Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2010, vol. 7, p. 64.
- ŠKRABANA, Rostislav - DVORSKÝ, R. - ŠEVČÍK, Jozef - NOVÁK, Michal. Monoclonal antibody MN423 as a stable mold facilitates structure determination of disordered tau protein. In Journal of Structural Biology, 2010, vol. 171, p. 74-81.
- ŽILKA, Norbert - KOREŇOVÁ, Miroslava - KOVÁČECH, Branislav - IQBAL, K. - NOVÁK, Michal. CSF phospho-tau correlates with behavioral decline and brain insoluble phospho-tau levels in the rat model of tauopathy. In Acta Neuropathologica, 2010, vol.119, no. 6, p. 679-687.
- MIKULA, Ivan jr. - PASTOREKOVÁ, Silvia - MIKULA, Ivan. Toll-like receptors in immune response to viral infections. In Acta Virologica : international journal, 2010, vol. 54, no. 4, p. 231 - 245.
- PRČINA, Michal - FILIPČÍK, Peter - KONTSEKOVÁ, Eva. Establishment of the cell line expressing human prion protein on PrP0/0 background. In Acta Virologica : international journal, 2010, vol. 54, p. 297-302.
- BHIDE, Mangesh - MUCHA, Rastislav - MIKULA, Ivan - KIŠOVÁ, Lucia - ŠKRABANA, Rostislav - NOVÁK, Michal - MIKULA, Ivan. Novel mutations in TLR genes cause hyporesponsiveness to Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis infection. In BMC Genetics, 2009, vol.10, p.21.
- BHIDE, Mangesh - ESCUDERO, R. - CAMAFEITA, E. - GIL, H. - JADO, I. - ANDA, P. Complement factor H binding by different Lyme disease and relapsing fever Borrelia in animals and human. In BMC Research Notes, 2009, vol.2, p.134
- BUGOŠ, Ondrej - BHIDE, Mangesh - ŽILKA, Norbert. Beyond the rat models of human neurodegenerative disorders. In CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY, 2009, vol.29, p.859-869.
- ČENTE, Martin - MANDÁKOVÁ, Stanislava - FILIPČÍK, Peter. Memantine Prevents Sensitivity to Excitotoxic Cell Death of Rat Cortical Neurons Expressing Human Truncated Tau Protein. In CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY, 2009, vol.29, p.945-949.
- ČENTE, Martin - FILIPČÍK, Peter - MANDÁKOVÁ, Stanislava - ŽILKA, Norbert - KRAJČIOVÁ, Gabriela - NOVÁK, Michal. Expression of a Truncated Human Tau Protein Induces Aqueous-Phase Free Radicals in a Rat Model of Tauopathy: Implications for Targeted Antioxidative Therapy. In Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2009, vol.17, p.913-920.
- FILIPČÍK, Peter - ČENTE, Martin - KRAJČIOVÁ, Gabriela - VANICKÝ, Ivo - NOVÁK, Michal. Cortical and Hippocampal Neurons from Truncated Tau Transgenic Rat Express Multiple Markers of Neurodegeneration. In Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 2009, vol.29, no. 6-7, p. 895-900.
- HANES, Jozef - ŽILKA, Norbert - BARTKOVÁ, Miriam - CALETKOVÁ, Miroslava - DOBROTA, D. - NOVÁK, Michal. Rat tau proteome consists of six tau isoforms: implication for animal models of human tauopathies. In Journal of Neurochemistry, 2009, vol.108, p.1167-1176.
- HIRMAJER, Tomáš - BALSA-CANTO, Eva - BANGA, Julio R. DOTcvpSB, a Software Toolbox for Dynamic Optimization in Systems Biology. In BMC Bioinformatics, 2009, vol.10, p.199
- KONTSEKOVÁ, Eva - IVANOVOVÁ, Natália - HANDZUŠOVÁ, Martina - NOVÁK, Michal. Chaperone-Like Antibodies in Neurodegenerative Tauopathies: Implication for Immunotherapy. In CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY, 2009, vol.29, p.793-798.
- KOREŇOVÁ, Miroslava - STOŽICKÁ, Zuzana. Improved Behavioral Response as a Valid Biomarker for Drug Screening Program in Transgenic Rodent Models of Tauopathies. In CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY, 2009, vol.29, p.937-944.
- KOREŇOVÁ, Miroslava - ŽILKA, Norbert - STOŽICKÁ, Zuzana - BUGOŠ, Ondrej - VANICKÝ, Ivo - NOVÁK, Michal. NeuroScale, the battery of behavioral tests with novel scoring system for phenotyping of transgenic rat model of tauopathy. In Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2009, vol.177, p.108-114.
- KOVÁČ, Andrej - ŽILKOVÁ, Monika - DELI, M.A. - ŽILKA, Norbert - NOVÁK, Michal. Human Truncated Tau is Using a Different Mechanism from Amyloid-beta to Damage the Blood-Brain Barrier. In Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2009, vol.18, p.897-906.
- KOVÁČECH, Branislav - ŽILKA, Norbert - NOVÁK, Michal. New Age of Neuroproteomics in Alzheimer's Disease Research. In CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY, 2009, vol.29, p.799-805.
- MUCHA, Rastislav - BHIDE, Mangesh - CHAKURKAR, E. - NOVÁK, Michal - MIKULA, Ivan. Toll-like receptors TLR1, TLR2 and TLR4 gene mutations and natural resistance to Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis infection in cattle. In Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 2009, vol.128, p.381-388.
- PULZOVÁ, Lucia - BHIDE, Mangesh - KOVÁČ, Andrej. Pathogen translocation across the blood-brain barrier. In FEMS Immunology and medical microbiology, 2009, vol.57, p.203-213.
- RICH, R.L. … - … ŠKRABANA, Rostislav … - … MYSZKA, D. A global benchmark study using affinity-based biosensors. In Analytical Biochemistry, 2009, vol.386, p.194-216.
- SAGANOVÁ, Kamila - ORENDÁČOVÁ, Judita - ŠULLA, Igor jr. - FILIPČÍK, Peter - ČÍŽKOVÁ, Dáša - VANICKÝ, Ivo. Effects of Long-Term FK506 Administration on Functional and Histopathological Outcome after Spinal Cord Injury in Adult Rat. In Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 2009, vol. 29, no. 6-7, p. 1045-1051.
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